Definition of
Immediate Power Solutions (IPS)
Immediate Power Solutions (IPS): safe, reliable and sustainable, short duration, high-rate power technologies for critical applications.
A requirement of short duration energy storage applications is the availability of instantaneous, high-rate power for a range of minutes to microseconds.
The IPS group of technologies and applications are vital to the growth of all power infrastructure with many of these applications being categorized as critical, mission critical, or life safety. The presence of instantaneous, high-rate power in a mission critical application requires the additional characteristic of safety for IPS technology to remain viable. Further, mission critical applications demand high reliability along with sustainability, which are now prime factors in all short duration energy storage use cases.
The Significance of
IPS as a Category
The expansion in segmentation and applications is revolutionizing energy storage, moving beyond traditional long-duration storage (hours to days) to include short-duration storage (minutes to microseconds) through advanced mechanical, thermal, electromagnetic, and electrochemical technologies.
Long duration energy storage applications have traditionally been labeled ESS (Energy Storage Systems) and long duration electrochemical (battery) technologies logically evolved to be known as BESS (Battery Energy Storage Systems). In this electrified everywhere age, short duration energy storage segments and applications have expanded rapidly based on the surge in use cases and new enabling technologies.

A fundamental difference between long and short duration energy storage is that storage capacity (i.e., energy density) is the highest value characteristic in long duration applications and discharge capacity (i.e., C rate or power density) is the highest value characteristic in short duration applications. Short duration energy storage examples here include mission critical power backup systems, commercial and military pulse power applications, and short duration industrial and grid power stabilization support.
The widening gap between long and short-duration energy storage segments and applications, along with the emergence of new technologies tailored to each, necessitates the creation of a new category aptly named Immediate Power Solutions (IPS).
Under the umbrella of IPS, the short duration energy storage stakeholder community can now effectively identify and differentiate their requirements from the long duration labels used incorrectly due to lack of an alternative. An example of the effect of this overlap is the ever-growing family of lithium-ion rechargeable battery technologies, which are inherently high energy density chemistries. These products work well in long duration energy storage applications such as renewables grid storage and EVs. Due to familiarity or cost, or both, they have also been applied to short duration applications where high energy density is a poor fit or even a disadvantage. In this new era, one-size-fits-all application of battery technologies has become obsolete in favor of optimizing products and technologies for the specific applications.
The IPS category helps short duration users, technology providers and services suppliers self-identify and come together to optimize short duration energy storage implementations.
IPS Application Examples

Critical power for data centers, hospitals, industrial loads, etc.

Mission critical power for diesel generator starting and transitional power

Mission critical supplemental power for fuel cell hybridization and startup

EV fast charging infrastructure and grid power supplementation

Artificial intelligence (GPU) load power transients

Microgrid power stabilization for unpredictable loads and power sources

Utility scale renewable power source ramp rate management

Utility scale power quality and power factor correction
If your technology or application fits the IPS category but isn’t listed, please reach out to us through the contact form.

White Paper
Immediate Power Solutions (IPS): Definition, Benefits, and Impact
IPS technologies and applications are vital for expanding power infrastructure, with many classified as critical or mission critical. Differentiating between ESS and IPS is crucial for effectively addressing power infrastructure challenges. ZincFive Inc. has created an in-depth white paper detailing why IPS requires its own distinct market category to meet unique demands and provide robust solutions for these essential applications. It emphasizes the importance of selecting the right IPS solution to address and solve power issues in the evolving mission critical technology landscape.